Our team can offer a wide range of services to our clients.
How we can help
From small localised studies, to large-scale monitoring programmes, we can help you determine the appropriate type and amount of data to collect. Addressing issue such as:
- How to appropriately sample from your population or region of interest
- What sample size is required
- Controlling sources of variation or effects of confounding factors
- Methods to account for imperfect detection
We can provide advice on appropriate methods of analysis, or do the analysis for you. Whether it’s a simple t-test, a regression analysis, a generalised linear model, spatial temporal modelling, species distribution modelling, or a more specialised analysis such as mark recapture or occupancy modelling, we have the expertise to help. We can also help you with the interpretation of the results and provide a summary in simple to understand language.
We have extensive experience in the design and analysis of demographic studies to help people understand the demographics of ecological populations. We are familiar with a wide range of techniques for estimating population size, density, reproduction, and survival and movement of individuals.
Population models can be used to predict how populations will change over time or under different environmental conditions. Such techniques are often used within risk assessments to quantify potential impacts on populations from human activities (e.g., commercial fishing) or other developments.
Our experience can bring an extra level of statistical rigour to the resource consent application process, for either the applicant or appellant. From providing expert advice on the design of appropriate monitoring programmes, to suitability of different statistical approach for assessing consent conditions, to interpretation, or challenging, of results.
Sometimes novel applications require a novel solution. We have a proven track record and developing new statistical techniques for addressing questions that cannot be answered using regular methods.
If your team requires upskilling in statistical methods or how to apply them, our team can provide training in either a one-on-one or group situation.